Colin Nagy | November 25, 2022
The Ten Great Things Edition
Helping you get a head start on holiday gifting
Recommended Products

A guide to designing warm, timeless interiors.

A cookbook by Lou Lambert.

A Kindle Paperwhite for reading without notifications and distractions.

An overkill bottle opener.

A Swiss peeler recommended by Brooks Reitz.
An embassy pen.

A nice titanium money clip with American Flag - NASA Optical Gray variation.

A radio that allows you to tune into global radio stations.
A kit to make the Bar Burger from Raoul's at home.
Colin here. A quick rundown of interesting things as you plan your holiday shopping. A more detailed WITI gift guide will follow later in December.
Michael Williams from ACL highlights this interesting City Radio, that allows you to tune into global radio stations. You should pair it with this WITI on great stations to check out from around the world.
The Bar Burger from Raoul’s. This is a hit gift. At Raoul’s they only offer up a limited amount per night. But this is a pretty damn good version, to be made at home via Goldbelly. Read more on it in our WITI, the mail order sandwich edition.
Patina Modern: a guide to designing warm, timeless interiors
Australian Food by Bill Granger. I love all of his restaurants (especially Bills in Tokyo) and this cookbook has some gems. The chickpea kale and paneer curry is excellent.
Big Ranch, Big City cookbook by Lou Lambert. Lou is the brother of Liz, a great hotelier, and a friend of WITI.
Kindle Paperwhite: it turns out that reading without notifications and distractions is amazing. Since they first launched, Kindles allow you to get into a flow state.
An overkill bottle opener.
A cult Swiss peeler, recommended by Brooks Reitz.
An embassy pen. Ikyyk. Just don’t take it on the plane.
A nice titanium money clip that I have gifted several times.
WITI Classifieds:
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Thanks for reading,
Noah (NRB) & Colin (CJN)
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