Noah Brier | October 5, 2022

Introducing WITI Subscriber Discord

A new way to connect with WITI

Hi WITI supporters, tomorrow we have a note going out to the full list announcing some updates to WITI, including subscriber-only Wednesday editions and the addition of a WITI subscriber Discord that we hope can become both a space for connecting and sharing interesting ideas, as well as somewhere we can start to do some fun experiments like live Q&A’s and interviews.

If you want to get a jump start, you can sign up for the Discord here:

Join WITI Subscriber Discord

When you sign in, you’ll be directed to a #verification channel where there’s a link to a form you can use to verify your account. It will just ask for the email you used to subscribe and your Discord username (you’ll find that in the bottom left on the Discord desktop app and on your profile page in the mobile app).

If you have any problems getting verified, just reply to this email or try us at [email protected] and we will help get things sorted for you.

Thanks for being early supporters of WITI, we really appreciate you joining us on this journey.

- Noah (NRB) & Colin (CJN)

© WITI Industries, LLC.